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Hydrangea pan. Kyushu

Popular for its long white cream panniculus. They occur in ...

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Hypericum Kalmianum

St. John's wort provides a beautiful and abundant bright ...

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Myrica Gale

This plant is native to Quebec interesting to smell it ...

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Philadelphus Coronarius Aurius

Shrub with bright yellow foliage taking a yellowish-green ...

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Philadelphus Virg. Min. Snowflake

Plant in sun for best leaf coloration.

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Physocarpus Dart’s Gold

Interesting shrub for its foliage contrasting deep yellow ...

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Physocarpus opulifolius

Native plant in Quebec. Widely used in revegetation. ...

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Physocarpus opulifolius nanus

This physocarpa leaved Guelder dwarf is ideal for low ...

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Physocarpus opulifolius Diabolo

Shrub with beautiful purple foliage all summer. Flowering ...

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Potentille fruticosa Abbotswood

Abundant white flowers throughout the season.

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Potentille fruticosa Gold Star

Large golden yellow flowers, much larger than other ...

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Potentille fruticosa Goldfinger

One of the most beautiful cinquefoil and the most popular ...

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Potentille fruticosa Mango Tango

Flowering light yellow to orange to yellow sun but partial ...

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Potentille fruticosa Pink Beauty

Attractive flowers, double, pink all summer. In hot ...

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Prunus X Cistena

Plant used for its red foliage and contrasting his pale ...

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Rhus aromatica

Rustic, native to Quebec, tolerant to urban conditions; ...

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Rhus typhina

Conical shrub fruit, red in autumn. Green foliage in ...

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Ribes alpinum Smithii

This variety is prized for its dense foliage and yellow ...

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Ribes xNidigrolaria

Petit arbuste hybride du cassissier et du groseillier. ...

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Rosa rugosa

Shrub with fragrant flowers, and which requires very little ...

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Rubus odoratus

Rustic, native to Quebec, supports pollution, very ...

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Salix caprea

Early spring flowers before the leaves grayish giving a ...

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Salix discolor

Big buissonnant.Croissance vigorous shrub.

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Salix Flamingo

Look spectacular with green foliage and dark pink new ...

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